IPCC Climate Report and PI Energy

The recently-released UN’s IPCC report shows that drastic reductions in CO2 emissions are required to prevent irreversible climate change. This highlights the importance of developing new renewable energy technologies that can be quickly and globally deployed, like PI Energy’s solar PV technology, to reduce CO2 emissions.

The recently issued report of 3,949 pages is a preliminary version of the Physical Science Basis report, which details the past, present, and future trajectory of earth’s climate. For reference, here is the 1959-2021 growth trend of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere:

The IPCC’s Physical Science Basis report states: massive and immediate cuts to emissions are required within about 8 years to avoid a major and irreversible climate change. The CO2 chart above shows the opposite current trend of increasing emissions with current market technologies. Contrary to the current trend, greenhouse gas emissions need to fall substantially by 2029, thus large-scale changes in global energy generation are required.

The energy markets represent an $8 trillion/year behemoth, which is both a challenge and an opportunity. The need to transform the long-term emissions trend was a driver for the founding of PI Energy. We intend to meet this challenge and provide a globally deployable solution.  

We think that this and subsequent reports further will drive unprecedented commitment towards clean energy, including PI Energy. 


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